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  • Intrautrerine Device (IUD)

    September 21, 2020

    A small T with great effect! That’s in short I the meaning of IUDs in the context of contraception. IUDs are next to the pill the only contraceptives with high certainty! For women / couples with complete family planning and women who can not tolerate pills, IUDs are blessings and keys to unstressed sexuality.

    IUD, copper T, gold-T are the terms often used synonymously inaccurate for the same thing. In general, it is piece of plastic usually in the form of a T, about 3 cm long and the shaft either by a copper-plated silver thread (copper-T, copper spiral, Cu-T) or copper-plated gold thread (gold-T) wrapped or with a Hormone coated (Mirena, Kyleena, Levosert) is. The gold-T comes in several sizes: mini for childless women, normal for women with an average of many children and maxi for women with many children.


    Fundamental differences between hormonal spiral and hormone-free spirals


    in principle

    A hormone-free spiral is first choice for women with

    •     normal monthly bleeding (not pain, bleeding for not longer than 7 days
    •     completed family planning, nevertheless all women can use it: wanting a child, let it remove.


    The hormonal iud is an alternative, especially for women

    •     with long and strong periods and/or
    •     suffering from painful menstruation and
    •     women who are not allowed to take a pill due to illness and / or
    •     eg suffering under latex állergy ( condom !) .


    For a better overview here a comparison of the two iud  types:

    • The advantages and disadvantages of different iuds.